Our Cause, Your Cause.
You can help us print and distribute even more tags by donating via:
1. Venmo (@BabyIn-BabyOut)
2. Check. You can mail your check to:
BabyIn BabyOut
3228 West Cary Street
Suite D
Richmond, VA 23221
3. PayPal!
As an eight grader Hannah Rhudy, then 14, launched a community initiative in August 2018 to help keep kids safe in hot cars to prevent pediatric vehicular stroke.
Over the past five years, BabyIn BabyOut has grown in a national movement with 50,000+ hangtags being shared across America. In August 2019, BabyIn BabyOut officially became a nonprofit. Hannah is now a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but the important outreach work of BabyIn BabyOut continues.
Read recent news coverage:
-WWBT-TV - 6.11.21
-WRIC-TV - 6.11.21
-WTVR-TV: VA This AM - 7.31.19
-WBNS & CBS National - 7.31.19
-RT-D Op-Ed - 7.27.19
-World Journal (China) - 7-18.19
-Associated Press - 7.17.19
-RT-D - 7.16.19
-The Freelance-Star -7.13.19
-Schaumburger Nachrichten - 6.12.19
-WRIC-TV - 6-12-19
-WTVR-TV - 6-6-19
-WWBT-TV - 6-6-19
-RVA Family Magazine - 3.30.19
Learn the facts
about child deaths
in hot cars
— The National Weather Service and the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Get Your BabyIn BabyOut Tag Today!
We're working to secure hang tag pick up locations in Virginia and beyond. Current distribution partners include:
BabyIn BabyOut distribution partners include:
Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center Family Center
Bon Secours Short Pump Emergency Center
Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center Family Center
Bon Secours St. Mary's Medical Center Family Center
Bon Secours St. Mary's Pediatrics
Chesterfield County Police
Child Care Aware of Virginia
City of Ashland City of Richmond Police
Duck, North Carolina, Police
Goochland County Sheriff Department
Hanover County Police HCA
Henrico Doctor's Hospital
Henrico County Police
KidMed Pediatric ERs (four)
Petersburg Kiwanis
Petersburg Police Department
Petersburg Sheriff's Office P
Powhatan County Sheriff Department
Regency Square Mall
Sassy Bee (retail store in Midlothian, Va.)
The Compass Schools (in Virginia, Ohio and Illinois)
Urban Baby Beginnings